The Secret of the Laugh

A power of the brain not fully understood

Rahman Mohamed

For over 365 days, almost three years ago, humans were told to stay away from each other and cover their face if they were near another, to distance.  Anyone who was there then will know and not forget.  Today some people are being told to role up their sleeves again for “Booster”.  Many have seen mental health problems; for some it was being apart from others while for others it was being forced to accept a new normal, a quick change in routine that may not change.  Turns out there’s a connection to this and what we sometimes don’t think about: the laugh.

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Mo With Chin and Cheek, Santa Only Scrubble, or Clean Jack Frost

To keep or not to keep? That is the question (bro and sis have the answer)

Rahman Mohamed

As we enter the last weekend of Movember you probably saw Mo on Bro.  What began as a campaign to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer has grown into one encouraging men to be open about health difficulties including Mental Health to break stigma and to not view health as an attack on masculinity.

Movember rules are based on starting the month clean shaven.  A Bro can trim or fashion a Mo throughout the month but it’s not supposed to be shaved off the month or be part of other facial hair; other facial hair can be there but just not part of the Mo.  What kind of facial hair to ladies really like?  Unsurprisingly some have studied it.

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Nova’s Rays Exclusive: World War 3, Human vs. Not Human

EXCLUSIVE: Retrieval of conversation detected by ISS; Translated by international team (Europe, Canada, USA)

Rahman Mohamed

Below is a translation of a report revealed to Nova’s Rays by a confidential source. It was intercepted by the International Space Station and translated to English by cooperation between NASA, CSA, and ESA.  Changes have not been made.  The translation was provided by a silenced scientist. At this time the English translation below is only on available to those on Earth.

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