The Vote: Who

Leaders have parties so they can represent
Rahman Mohamed

It’s known: if you’re 18 or older on election day, a Canadian citizen, and a registered voter you can vote in federal elections and referendums, voting that takes place across Canada.  In provincial elections the voter is also a resident of the province; only people who lives in Ontario, is 18 or older on election day and a Canadian citizen will be able to vote in the upcoming June 2018 provincial election.  Upcoming municipal elections in October 2018 in Ontario also have the residency requirement; you can only vote for politicians in the city if you live in the city.  The question for many and a confusion: who are you voting for?

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The Vote: What

Rahman Mohamed
Choose the lead

Democracy: it’s a founding stone in Canadian history.  Constitutionally there must be an election every 5 years unless there is a state of emergency.  The question: what is a vote?

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Uneducated Unions Acting Unfair

Rahman Mohamed
Education Unions acting in an uneducated manner when they decide to strike

The Union.  It’s become a part of the Canadian society.  It’s an icon of employee solidarity and public employees; it’s often associated with fair treatment.  Education Unions have an identity as complainers; persons caring about their own welfare not those they serve.

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