About Rahman Mohamed

Rahman Mohamed created Nova’s Rays in February 2013.  Since then he has been the lead contributor and editor publishing a diverse range of topics ranging from political analysis and health to technology, and economics.  Publications take a variety of forms from simple in-depth writing to creative crosswords.  In addition to Nova’s Rays Rahman Mohamed has also been published in MacMedia, the Excalibur, Artichoke, and CBC.

In the midst of completing a Specialized Honours BA (2016), majoring in Sociology he took on the role of Editor-in-Chief at MacMedia Magazine.  He was an active member of the Sociology Undergraduate Students’ Association (SUSA), York Ismaili Students’ Association, and McLaughlin College.

Rahman is involved in his community.  This includes the Ismaili Volunteers Corp and the Etobicoke Jamatkhana library.

In addition to reading science-fiction, history, and societal books Rahman writes poetry and short stories.

Who am I?
I am one who will bring a change!
I am one who seeks to learn!

There may be times
when I am a Nova,
Spreading my fingers and arms
far and wide.

And there are times
when I am Sol,
sitting and smiling
at young and old.

Who am I?


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