The Secret of the Laugh

A power of the brain not fully understood

Rahman Mohamed

For over 365 days, almost three years ago, humans were told to stay away from each other and cover their face if they were near another, to distance.  Anyone who was there then will know and not forget.  Today some people are being told to role up their sleeves again for “Booster”.  Many have seen mental health problems; for some it was being apart from others while for others it was being forced to accept a new normal, a quick change in routine that may not change.  Turns out there’s a connection to this and what we sometimes don’t think about: the laugh.

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The Power of Pi(e)

A cooked circle loved worldwide

Rahman Mohamed

Pie with piMarch 14 is considered Pi Day, a celebration mathematics and consumption of a great desert is tasted.  Pi Day (03.14) is celebrated annually as the basic, recognising one of the greatest constants to mathematicians.  True Pi Day may not be celebrated until 3141, May 9 (3.14159), on March 14, 15926.  It may have been celebrated on 3.141592653, May 14, 1592, 6:53 (am or pm).  Pi Day won’t come until March 14 next year if you choose to read it at 2 decimals (3.14), 1:59.26 (am), if it’s read at 7 decimal places.  There’s more to pi than the decimals.

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The “H” Car or the “E” Car?

The Race; car powered by Hydrogen or simple electricity
Rahman Mohamed

Honda FX V1, V2

Honda FX V1, V2 Retrieved, Honda, June 2017

It’s unknown to many but the Hydrogen-powered car is not “new”.  The hydrogen fuel cell was developed in the 19th century.  The hydrogen powered vehicle emerged in 1966 when GM built the Electrovan to run on alternative fuel instead of gasoline. GM didn’t introduce the Electrovan to the public; Honda was the first to reveal prototypes of a hydrogen car in 1999 – the FCX-V1, FCX-V2, and FCX-V3 – and delivered them to Japan and the USA in 2002.

Today the Hydrogen Car is manufactured worldwide, is leased to consumers in Southern California, and used as a taxi in London, England. Hydrogen fuel cells have been used to create emission-free buses in Japan and Germany.  So what exactly is the Hydrogen Car and why don’t we know about it?

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