The Queen in Canada: A Long and Valuable History

No bow needed

Rahman Mohamed

It’s touched the world. On September 8 Queen Elizabeth II passed away. Some have had individual interaction with the Queen. 15 Prime Ministers in UK had personal meetings after being voted in. To many she was a mother or grandmother. Worldwide she had a strong image, someone who could bring hope and peace. In Canada people had different view and she had a different meaning for many.

The Queen did visit Canada a lot (second only to UK). Autumn Phillips is part of the Royal family and is a Canadian,

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Life On The Earth: 2021 Season Review

A look at the high rated show from base studio
Rahman Mohamed

Earth from 1.5 million kilometers during the total solar eclipse visible in Antarctica on December 4th, 2021. Life On The Earth: a prime time reality feature full of drama, comedy, romance, and anything else you can think of, but the last season was one nobody expected.  As Homo Sapiens watch the 2021 season/year (rotation around the sun) nearing an end it has taken an unexpected turn.

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Nova’s Rays Exclusive: World War 3, Human vs. Not Human

EXCLUSIVE: Retrieval of conversation detected by ISS; Translated by international team (Europe, Canada, USA)

Rahman Mohamed

Below is a translation of a report revealed to Nova’s Rays by a confidential source. It was intercepted by the International Space Station and translated to English by cooperation between NASA, CSA, and ESA.  Changes have not been made.  The translation was provided by a silenced scientist. At this time the English translation below is only on available to those on Earth.

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