Blue Monday

The saddest day of the year?

Rahman Mohamed

This week is the third week of 2024. It began with ‘Blue Monday’. In 2005 Sky Travel, a UK company, labelled the third Monday of the year as the saddest day of the year. There’s no science behind it but it might have some validity it the Northern hemisphere and being at the start of year.

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The New Year’s Resolution: For You?

The clock said time is gone; it’s time again

Rahman Mohamed

No matter what you say, you can’t deny: the calendar has changed including day, week, month, and year. Since it included year it brought the infamous “New Year’s Resolution”. The time has come for a new one. Maybe it’s the time for many. What will resolution be?

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Carrots, Not Just for Bunnies

Rahman Mohamed
A vegetable available for your teeth, stomach and phone.

carrot1 colourAs the New Year begins New Year’s Resolutions are on the tip of the tongue.  Although their popularity is dipping they are still made.  Commonly known, one of the most popular resolutions when the year is new is losing weight.  It’s also a resolution that’s among the “not-fulfilled” (the broken resolution)

Carrots are among children’s favourite vegetables.  They have a taste, a crunch and a nice colour; in Canada they’re most often orange but they are reported to grow in a variety of colours.  Recently (5 December 2017) Medical News reported a range about carrots.

  • Carrots have antioxidants.  They may be a prevention for cancer
  • They have Vitamin A, help prevent vision loss
  • They contain protein, fibre, Vitamin C, Calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and other minerals and Vitamins

Unknown to many Canadian governments have been working to help Canadians lose weight and learn more about health using an app.  Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play the app is named “Carrot Rewards”. Continue reading