Blue Monday

The saddest day of the year?

Rahman Mohamed

This week is the third week of 2024. It began with ‘Blue Monday’. In 2005 Sky Travel, a UK company, labelled the third Monday of the year as the saddest day of the year. There’s no science behind it but it might have some validity it the Northern hemisphere and being at the start of year.

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Friday the 13th

Good or bad?  The Academics decide
Rahman Mohamed

According to the Gregorian calendar, used internationally, the 13th day of two months falls on a Friday.  2017: January, Friday the 13th and October, Friday the 13th.  Legend has it that Friday the 13th is considered unlucky.  The fact: with varying results, Friday the 13th has has been proven to be both lucky and unlucky in studies by academics (aka people who are just as sane as you or I but “just a bit smarter”). Continue reading